Dutch: Zoals vereist van een FAI cat2 competitie zal het reglement en de info over de finale in het engels gepubliceerd worden. Voor vragen kan contact worden opgenomen met de organisatie via contact.

NK Vlakland final

When: 18-20 May (“Pinksteren”), Backup: 25-26 May
Location: Netherlands
Map: NK Vlakland Google Maps (jpg)
Waypoint files (use right mouse click -> save as) : NK-Vlakland-waypoints.zip


The NK Vlakland final is run accordance with all applicable sections of the FAI Sporting Code.

As per the FAI cat2 requirements, 5 places (25%) are reserved for international pilots.

Due to limited places available and to ensure sufficient flatland flying skills we have a minimum point requirement for all pilots. Any pilot applying for a place in the NK Vlakland final has to scored at least once in the NK Vlakland qualification rounds.

Remaining places will be assigned to pilots in order of NK Vlakland qualification ranking. Any places reserved for international pilots will be reallocated to other pilots if not filled at 7 days before the event. The organisation reserves the right to give 2 wildcards.

Register here. (Sorry we are full)

Selected pilots will be added to the telegram NK Vlakland final channel.


The NK Vlakland final will be held as a cat2 CIVL event.

Because the final is organized as a separate event the winner of the “NK Vlakland final” is determined exclusively by the scores in the final. This ranking will be submitted to the CIVL organisation and count towards the WPRS ranking. A FAI sporting license is required to get ranked.

The starting order and, if applicable, starting field on the first task is chosen by the pilots in the order of qualification ranking. Subsequent tasks the intermediate final ranking is used.

Typical daily schedule

10:00 Morning briefing
11:00 Pilots move to the winch field
12:00 Start window open
17:00 Start window closed
18:00 Task window closed
18:15 Deadline track-log submission
21:00 Result publication

We will try to organize a pilots diner on one of the competition days.

Task setting

Depending on conditions and winch field location(s) 2 task types will be considered:

  • Elapsed time (via turnpoints)
  • Cylinder race

A pilot representative will be selected by the organization to assist the organization with task setting. Volunteers can apply to the organization.


Relaunches are permitted, even if the pilot already flew a part of the task. After all pilots have had a launch attempt a new starting round begins in the same order. Any pilot not present, not ready to launch or unwilling to launch will be skipped until the next starting round.

Always follow the directions of the “start official”. In case of launch issues the start official can decide to skip ahead to the next pilot.

Step towing will be used to launch. An appropriate release is required.

Each pilot is limited to 6 minutes on the cable during step towing unless determined otherwise by the start official.

During towing all directions from the winch operator are to be followed. Disobeying may lead to disqualification.


Pilots need to send their igc tracklog file to the organisation as soon as possible after landing. It is the pilots own responsibility to ensure the tracklog is sent to the organisation in time.

Model: GAP2023
Minimum distance: 5km
Nominal distance: 20km
Nominal time: 30 min
No Leading points
Discards: 0%
All other parameters are set to default


In case of any confusion or discussion the competition organization will have final say. The organization is always right. We reserve the right to update the rules at any time.

Meet director and Scorer: Matthijs Derks

Protests and appeals can be submitted to the organization at wc.schermvliegen@knvvl.nl